Invitation from first lady, Laura Bush |

Waiting in line with beautiful decorations |

The Vermeil Room with Lady Bird
Johnson over the decorated fireplace. |

Downstairs hallway portrait of Barbara
Bush and "Mommy Kissing Santa Claus"! |

40 beautiful white "snowy" trees
decorated many of the entrance areas. |

Music in the Grand Foyer with a snowy forest of trees. |

The East Room where the buffet was hosted. |

Beautiful white tulips and roses in large
arrangements on the buffet table. |

Jack at the dessert table. So many
wonderful desserts to try! |

Having dessert with fresh white roses decorating the table.
"Frosty the Snowman" is on the mantle. |

The Crèche display has been a tradition
since 1967. Made of carved wood and terra cotta. |

"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer"
decorates another mantle in the East Room. |

It's a "Marshmallow World"
vignette on a
third mantle in the East Room. |

The fourth mantle holds
"Toyland". All are beautiful handmade displays. |

"White Christmas" vignette on a
table in the Grand Foyer. |

Relaxing in the Green Room by the
beautiful fireplace. |

Photo taken with Mrs. Bush in the Blue
Room by the official tree. |

After meeting Mrs. Bush, on through the
Red Room and back around to view the tree up close. |

keeping with tradition, the official White House Christmas tree
adorns the Blue Room... " |

is decorated with 350 musical instrument ornaments painted by
the members of the Society of Decorative Painters. " |

state has a painter represented on the tree. "
from Mrs. Bush during a press conference. |

Close-up showing one of the several
painted baby grand pianos (not Scottie's). |

Beautiful painted ornaments! |

More beautiful ornaments. |
so to carry out our theme of merriment and music, melody, we
covered the tree with ornaments that are musical instruments --
the bells and the maracas and the tambourines and the -- even
little piano. I don't know if you see the little piano, the
drums, the guitar. And they're all painted by decorative artists
from the Decorative Artists Society of America. And they came in
yesterday from every state, all around the country, to see their
ornaments on the tree. And I think it makes a really beautiful,
vibrant, deep color tree. I think it's so pretty. Did you all
see any of these up close?" Mrs. Bush talking at a press

Scottie's piano which she couldn't find on
the tree! The tree was too big and
there were so many decorations! Scottie's piano was in a photo
in the Decorative Painter which showed the many different types
of ornaments on the tree. |

Front view of Scottie's piano.
It was requested that it be left black lacquer background and
painted only with gold metallic strokework; no flowers, scenes
or birds or anything other than strokework! |

Scottie standing by the official tree. It
was so big and with many folks around there was no chance to
photo the entire tree from top to bottom.

A friend from Oregon, Karen Schappacher
(with Barbara Bush in the background!). |

ToleFriends board member, Judith Rickett.
A big hello to Annie Strebe in Venezuela from both of us! |

Sandy Scales (middle, a local friend from
The Apple Tree) and her sister visiting from Florida. |

Even the doorways were decorated (East
Room)! |

Beautiful drapery detail in the Blue Room. |

More beautiful drapery detail in the Grand
Foyer. |

A forest of "snowy" trees line the long Cross Hall. |

Scottie and Jack on their way out of the
Winter Wonderland that was the White House this Christmas
season. |

Donna Gensler from Florida with friend,
Karen Schappacher from Oregon, Scottie and Jack heading
for dinner at the Willard Hotel! |