Easy Bavarian Jewelry/Key
Instructions and Project Photo
by Scottie Foster
(Click on the photo below to see an enlarged view
of the Jewelry/Keyholder.
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get practice with lots of Bavarian flowers when you paint this fun project. Make extras
for gifts and remember to paint the edge to go with the receivers decor. Be brave
and experiment with different background and flower colors too. Fun!
PALETTE: Delta Ceramcoat: Antique White, Black Green, Cactus, Gamal Green,
Golden Brown, Gypsy Rose, Leprechaun, Prussian, Straw, Sonoma, Tide Pool, White.
SPECIAL SUPPLIES: 1" sponge brush. Optional but nice: Chaco paper for
BRUSHES: Loew-Cornell series 7040, #2 & #4 round, and series 7350 #1 liner.
If you have trouble with thick linework, try an 18/0 liner, series 7050 (the series number
is important).
PREPARATION: Sand, seal with your favorite sealer (I use waterbase varnish) and
basecoat with Antique White. You might need two coats, lightly sanding between coats.
Trace on your pattern. When tracing, trace the outlines of all flowers but no details and
no comma stroke leaves.
EDGING: Using the sponge brush, paint the edge with your choice of a color from
the palette. I chose Tide Pool.
FLOWER DIRECTIONS: These flowers are painted wet-in-wet. "+" means
"wiped in" or "double-load". Paint the undercoat to the flower and
while it is still wet, using the "dirty" brush (do not clean the brush), apply
overstrokes. When all flowers are blocked in, paint the stems and leaves. After that, go
back and embellish with details..
Large Rose Leaves: Gamal Green + Leprechaun.
Tulips: Tide Pool with White overstrokes while wet.
Rose: Gypsy Rose, Sonoma throat and White overstrokes while wet.
Round Petal Daisies: Sonoma centers; petals are Golden Brown + Straw.
Droopy Daisies: Sonoma centers; petals are Golden Brown + Straw.
Bleeding Hearts: Gypsy Rose + White.
Tiny Tulips: Gypsy Rose + White.
One-Stroke and Three-Stroke Pods: Gypsy Rose + White.
Stems: Gamal Green. Leaves: Gamal Green + Leprechaun.
Prussian: Linework on Tulips.
Sonoma: Smile on Rose, outline and strokes under Bleeding Hearts, lips and
strokes under Tiny Tulips.
Cactus: Overstrokes on large leaves.
White: Comma strokes under Droopy Daisy centers.
Black Green: Outline and vein large leaves, crosshatching if room. Filler
Dots: White: Rose throat, around centers of Round Petal Daisies, at the base of
Tulips. Sonoma: across centers of Droopy Daisies; at the base of Tiny Tulips and
Three-Stroke Pods; series of graduated dots here and there; three dots here and there.
BORDER: Load #3 brush with Golden Brown; then scoop up through the edge of the
White. Make comma strokes, pulling toward the middle. Add small strokes and dots of Golden
FINISHING: Paint the pegs Antique White with Tide Pool or trim color tops. Paint
the back Black Green. Antique LIGHTLY with product of your
choice. I used Raw Umber oil paint and Scottie's Antiquing Patina (see Supply
Source). When the antiquing is dry (24 hours), rub with #0000 steel wool to raise
any white highlights. Tack with tack rag and varnish three coats with JW Right Step Matte
Waterbase Varnish NOT JS Polyurethane (incompatible with oils and Patina). Sand lightly
between coats with old sandpaper. After the last coat, wax with paste wax using a #0000
steel wool pad as applicator. Buff and enjoy! |