Hello, My name is Sharon. I just found your site on the
internet and wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your books and style of
painting. I have been an acrylic painter for over twenty years. The first
class I took was a stroke class using your technique. I have found over
the years that the basic fundamentals I obtained from your method has
enabled me to paint just about anything. When I start out a new student, I
always pick up your first book and have them start with your tulips,
roses, leaves. Strokework is so important to lay down the foundation for
future methods. This past weekend I visited The Apple Tree in Springfield.
I enjoyed seeing your pieces. I have all of your first editions. Keep up
the great work. You are a real inspiration to a lot of folk artists.
Hello Scottie, I'm so glad I found your site. I have been
painting for about 5 years now and lately teaching some classes. I use
your techniques almost exclusively and have all your books. They are
wonderful. I live in a small city in Saskatchewan (probably a medium size
town by American standards). My pride and joy is an old ceramic toothpick
holder that my mom picked up at a flea market in Iowa that is decorated
and signed "Scottie". Since I also teach ceramics this was
great. I will definitely be keeping tabs on this site. Sandy
This is a small post script to your busy day Scottie. I have always loved
Tyrolian painted furniture. I just recently began to gather things to do a
dollhouse at age 64. When I saw your house with shapes and color I love, I
could not believe it!! The house is completely charming and just the right
combination of fantasy and real. Thank you so much for putting your work
out there to inspire the creativity in me!! Well done to say the least.
Your work is magic. With grateful appreciation, Wendy
Scottie, I just wanted to send a brief message. The video
arrived safe and sound and I have already carved out time to watch it. I
think your video is a fabulous supplement to your books and I will
recommend it to others. As you know, for some time now, I have used your
step by step instructions and the pictures in your books to paint
projects, adaptations thereto and my own designs inspired by your work.
The instructions and step-by-step pictures are well written and presented
to give the artist working on their own wonderful information to paint
Bauernmalerei. However, as all artists know, there are times when having
an instructor is priceless and your video is the next best thing to being
in a class with you. You did a wonderful job demonstrating techniques and
a variety of flowers in the video. The potential problems presented with
the demonstrations are also very helpful. Thank you for all the work you
put into your books, seminars and the wonderful video. Happy Holidays,
Hi. I took a look at your website and I especially liked
the mini clocks. So, I want to know where I can purchase the wooden clocks
that were shown. If there is a catalogue, please send me one. My mailing
address is...Thanks so much, and I loved your website. Mai
your site ........very informative ......friendly too.......thanks for the
free pattern, as I am a beginner, I will enjoy trying to do it justice .THANKS
AGAIN ..............Regards R.R
you for providing the pattern for this lovely piece (free design). I am
just learning how to paint and maybe one day I will be able to do
something like this. Sincerely, Margaret, ON. Canada
Scottie, I received my first two books a few days ago. I wanted to let you
know that your designs are even more beautiful than I had expected. Thanks
for sharing your expertise and talent with the rest of us. May God
continue to bless you. Susan
Scottie, I was dumbfounded to receive my books so quickly. What
wonderful service. Your art is absolutely beautiful. I love
it! I only wish I lived closer to one of the places you will be
doing your seminars so I could take classes. But I plan on
practicing, practicing. One thing I have been doing since reading
one of your books is freehand drawing. You are right- so much
faster. Just wanted to let you know how much I love your designs and
painting. Sincerely, Sherry, Oklahoma
Dear Scottie, My name is Liliana and I am from
Buenos Aires, Argentina. I am writing to tell you I admire you and your
art, which is just wonderful. I have bought many of your books and made
some painting myself... and let me tell you that what I like the
most about them is that I can feel the passion and effort you put in
everything you do. Congratulations and best wishes!